Red Island at sunset

Red Island at sunset

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Day 1 - 1040 QSO into the log

Hi everyone, first UTC day done with 1040 QSO's into the log which is my best first day yet on an IOTA DXpedition. I have internet on the island as I can receive a mobile phone signal from Horn Island which is incredible to have an such a remote and isolated place. No time to do proper blog stories, I'll write them up when I finish, but use this blog to get my operating updates.

20m wasn't good for North America, just a small number in the 1000-1400 UTC period. I'll keep asking Europe to standby to let the small number of North and South Americans get through. Many Europeans are getting frustrated but it's important to be fair to all parts of the globe. Last night with 900 QSO's on 20m there would have been 90% with Europe, so don't worry you'll get in the log eventually. I'll also be on 20m for long path around 0430 UTC today as well.

There was a nice steady opening this morning on 15m which gave the west coast of North America a chance.

Current operating plan for Thursday:

0430 UTC - start operating on 20m until the band closes (probably around 0700)
0700 UTC - look at visiting 15m until 1030 UTC (that when 20m may open to North America)
1030 UTC - 1700 UTC - 20m and listening at times for North America only

club log is now uploaded, I'll do this twice a day

OK gotta go and eat and rest - please be patient - this is a tent and generator one man expedition on an uninhabited tropical island - so lots of work to do just to keep the site operational

hot and exhausted but so relieved to get a bunch of people in the log

73s de VK5CE/4  ........ I'm already thinking about the next island to visit next year hi hi!!

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